Are You a Carhuna?

A revolution for the automotive community is launching, streamlining the way cars will be sold and marketed online. An easy-to-use, secure, and transparent platform, offering users access to classified adverts, auctions and a trade-focused bidding feature all in one place. Creating a community of buyers and sellers, whilst working with carefully selected trade partners.

What is this revolution? This is Carhuna.

/Car (Kar) ˈhu:nə/ noun (slang)
An expert in all things automotive. A person who’s in charge, with authority, wisdom and repute.

What makes Carhuna different is the community behind its creation. It has been designed and developed with input and knowledge from an unrivalled group of experts – car dealers who, collectively, truly know all the intricacies of the industry. The three founding members of the platform bring together more than 70 years of automotive experience, while the additional Founder Endorsement Partners include some of the UK’s most renowned and trusted traders.

The driving forces behind Carhuna are an underlying passion for cars, a deep understanding of the motor trade and the technology that keeps it running smoothly.

The platform launches with automotive classified adverts and auctions, which are open to trade and private users alike. Alongside this is the unique trade-focused ‘Power Sell’ feature, designed to achieve the best result with the most efficient and effective process for both buyer and seller. Each channel has been designed to efficiently connect buyers to established dealers, and these sales is thus backed up by the reassurance and conditions provided via a trade seller.

"The Carhuna platform aims to be a game changer by providing some currently missing online tools for the trade community. Up until now, it has not been possible to buy a car in an online auction with the same transparency and terms offered by dealers. It really does offer the best of both worlds for buyers and sellers. Buyers will benefit from the traders’ existing, established, and extensive set of tried and tested services in an auction environment, while traders will be able to optimise the rate of sale through complete control and flexibility of listings at a fair price. Both parties will see added value, from the auction process and via trade sales," explains James Cottingham of DK Engineering, one of the founding members of Carhuna.

The Carhuna community continues to build across the social channels ahead of its official launch later this spring. It will evolve and grow with its audience, and further exciting, ambitious plans for the journey ahead will be announced soon. Check out to register interest and keep up to date with all the latest information.



Carhuna platform and account enquiries

Media enquiries:
Dave Eden
XP2R Communications
Tel: +44 (0) 7971 624626


Carhuna Pop-Up Museum